Meet Our U12 Team
2022-2023 U10 Season Stats
Record: 31-12-4
Goal F-A: 148-60
Nook U10 Champions (12/8)
Ultimate Events U12 Champions (1/15)
Mayhem U10 Champions (1/30)
USTC U10 Champions (2/5)
USTC U10 Champions (2/12)
National Indoor Tournament, Pool A, 3rd Place (2/27)

Cassidy Culbertson, #3
Cass is a 4th grader in the Manheim Township School District.
Her favorites:
Pet: Her dogs Indie & Diggory
Subject in School: P.E.
Coach Shellenberger on Cass, "Cass has really developed as a patient and poised defender. She approaches the ball, maintains great space and has awesome timing with her tackles. I can't to see her continue to grow and learn!"

Abby Forrer, #9
Abby is a 4th grader in the Governor Mifflin School District.
Her favorites:
College: Penn State
Non-FH activities: Singing & Dancing
Coach Shellenberger on Abby, "Abby has impressed me from the first time I ever saw her play. It was an instant, I need to know who she is! She's a tiny force. Already so technically sound. Hey PSU, keep an eye on this one!"

Paityn Givens, #1
Paityn is a 4th grader in the Elizabethtown Area School District.
Her favorites:
Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse
Hobby: Making bracelets
Coach Shellenberger on Paityn, "Paityn has been doing so many great things lately! She's really starting to put it all together. She's taking the ball forward with speed, getting her head up on passes and being feisty on defense. I'm so proud of her progress!"

Camryn Gregory, #19
Camryn is a 4th grader in the Hempfield School District.
Her favorites:
Restaurant: Railroad House
Subject in School: Art
Coach Shellenberger on Cam, "Cam is such a competitor! She shines under pressure and in the circle. She has a strong desire to win possession and make things happen. It's so great to see her fight out there each and every game!"

Peyton Kirchoff, #21
Peyton is a 5th grader in the Manheim Township School District.
Her favorites:
Food: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Movie: Trolls
Coach Shellenberger on Peyton, "Peyton is such a stud!! I love telling people that she's a Township girl. I can not wait to see her continue to grow as a hockey player. She's going to be amazing!"

Courtlyn Kunkle, #5
Courtlyn is a 3rd grader in the West York School District.
Her favorites:
Food: Sushi
Sport other than FH: You name it, lax, b-ball or softball!
Coach Shellenberger on Courtlyn, "Court has so much natural talent, she's such a little athlete. One of my favorite things about Court is she's got no fear. She never backs down from an opponent or a challenge. Love that about her!!"

Natalie Saunders, #99
Natalie is a 5th grader in the Manheim Township School District.
Her favorites:
Pet: Her guinea pig Eddie
Coffee shop: Starbucks
Coach Shellenberger on Natalie, "Natalie's development in goal has been so exciting. She is a sponge. She takes her training at practice and lives it in games. She has stepped up and kept us in a lot of close games. She's really been awesome for us!"

Emma Shellenberger, #4
Emma is a 4th grader in the Manheim Township School District.
Her favorites:
Animal: Tiger
Subject in school: Art
Coach Shellenberger on Emma, "Emma has all the potential in the world, she just needs to realize it. A consistent work rate and mentality are the keys to unlocking that potential!"

Sammy Swentner, #10
Sammy is a 4th grader in the Manheim Township School District.
Her favorites:
Food: Pizza
Subject in school: Math
Coach Shellenberger on Sammy, "Sammy has improved so much. She's so coachable and capable. We talk all the time about Sammy's low hands. It's an example to our team about how to defend. Really proud of how much she's listened to the coaching and been putting it into play!"

Evyn Weitzel, #6
Evyn is a 3rd grader in the Lampeter-Strasburg School District.
Her favorites:
At home activity: Swimming in her pool
At practice activity: Bugging Coach Shellenberger
Coach Shellenberger on Evyn, "Oh Evyn. You challenge me and I hope I challenge you. I hope you know I see your endless potential and I'm pushing you to be the best you can be. You're already killing it. Can't wait to see where you're at 10 years from now!"